paint me paradise

skippa pessimismen and move your ass, no one's lifting it for you

2011-01-04 @ 11:45:53

Some people are bastards and others just as vile,
some people win the lottery and sing like a god,
some people are handed everything on a gold plattern,
but some people aren't like those people.

Some people have to fight for everything,
they keep stepping on land mines,
and they keep getting everything taken from them.

Guess what? Life couldn't care less,
life in unfair and you better believe it.

You wanna sit around and wait for sunny days,
well hope you're comfy cause you'll be waiting for a long time,

You wanna get something done, well get fucking going cause no one is doing nothing to help.

Life will keep taking you down, and no bastard is going to give you their hand to help you up.
You wanna get up? Then help your fucking self.

Det är lite så här jag känner just nu, jag så jäkla trött på människor som inte är nöjda med sin tillvaro men sitter där på röven och väntar. Jag brukade vara en av dom dryga fanskapen som alltid satt och väntade på hjälp - I got over it real fast, and I suggest you do the same

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